L.I.F.E. In The Springs Ministry
Christian Community Seminar!
WHAT: Breaking out from false identities to our True Identity in Christ.
My interpretation of my past experiences cannot tell me who I am. Only my Father in heaven can tell me who I am. (Testimonies by Brian and Susan Kerkhoff)
WHO: Susan and Brian Kerkhoff
WHEN: January 8th and 15th
WHERE: Radiant Church – 4020 Maizeland Rd. Colorado Springs, 80909
TIME: 5:30 – 6:30 P.M.
If you have questions, please contact us at susan@lifeinthesprings.org
L.I.F.E In The Springs Ministry Community Seminars Overview
Life In The Springs Ministry seminars provide opportunity to bring HOPE and UNDERSTANDING through testimony, explanation and biblical teaching about the causes of life controlling issues, addiction gender confusion and homosexuality. We also teach how to come alongside the person and guide them to freedom from the activities and the evil desires, so they can genuinely be the person God created them to be, fulfilling His purposes in and through their life to the glory of God.