December 1, 2018
Dear friends,
We praise God for witnessing His faithfulness in the lives of people we minister to.
Together we have been impacting lives. “L.I.F.E. In The Springs Ministry changed my life by its consistent care and love towards me during my journey out of emotional bondage and sexual confusion. The weekly to monthly phone calls with Susan help put things in order for me. It gave me stability and hope that I can overcome the adversary by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony.” Chad
Four new people began receiving ministry in the last month, praise God. We offer hope, freedom and healing as we present biblical truths through the love and power of Jesus Christ at our weekly support groups and one-to-one ministry. It is a privilege to encourage and pray for people.
In November we began our 3rd program, Christian Community Seminar. It is on the 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of the month at Radiant Church, Colorado Springs. The topic this month was Gender Confusion. Susan gave her testimony on the causes of her gender confusion, HOW God set her completely free and a time for discussion and Q & A. It is vital for Christians to have understanding on cultural issues and be equipped to communicate God’s truths with compassion. We offer HOPE and help answering most questions on difficult subjects facing our society and young people.
“How I Became Free of Anxiety”
Brian is writing a 13-part anxiety series. Brian presents what he had to learn to become free and practice consistently to maintain that freedom. In this series he shares how he learned:
To recognize I was causing the anxiety and panic attacks with my scary, negative and catastrophic thinking.
To Trust God. To Choose God, not anxiety.
To police my thought life and eradicate ungodly thinking.
To comfort myself, with the Truth. How to tell myself I am going to be okay.
(Included with this newsletter mailing is Part 4)
To stop thinking catastrophically, jumping to the worst possible outcome.
To choose to view the future with curiosity and ambition, not dread and fearful inaction.
To evaluate and set realistic, achievable expectations. Changing “what if” thinking to “what is” thinking. Negative projection vs Planning - the art of confident creative problem solving.
To understand social anxiety, becoming comfortable with me.
To realize that anxiety wants to have me.
That anxiety will NOT tell me who I am, what I have, where I’m at or what I can do.
To motivate, encourage and push myself to do all I can do, trusting God for the outcome.
To care for my body.
To know that there is an anticipatory anxiety that is normal and how to distinguish between a healthy excitement and a destructive anxiety.
Brian has completed the first five which can be viewed on our website
FUNDRAISER: 2019 CALENDER - Photos taken by Susan Kerkhoff - A donation of $35 of more. Contact to order.
Prayer Requests
Clarity for Brian and Susan as they write from their testimony how Brian became free from anxiety and Susan became free of Gender Confusion.
God’s leading and anointing as Susan prepares and records several 3-minute videos of her testimony for the ministry website. How God freed her and brought healing with life controlling issues regarding: Quitting smoking, Same Sex Attraction, Gender Confusion, Mental Illness and Nervous Breakdowns, Physical and Sexual abuse, Drug and Alcohol abuse and on Suicide.
Continued healing for Brian’s leg and for his hip. He fractured his fibula October 5th.
God’s wisdom and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit during the support groups, one-to-one ministry and Community Seminars.
Employment for Brian as we work together in the ministry and I continue to work p/t cleaning houses.
As always, we are very grateful and THANK YOU for your prayers, encouragement and financial support. God bless you! Have a wonderful Christmas celebrating our Savior’s birth and all of His goodness. We look forward to new opportunities to bring the “Good News” of Jesus in 2019.
All for His Glory,
Brian and Susan
Psalms 40:1-5 “I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord. Oh, the joys of those who trust the Lord, who have no confidence in the proud or in those who worship idols. O Lord my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them.”
N O T H I N G I S T O O D I F F I C U L T F O R G O D !